Web-Empire (by sarah)
As some of you may know I have being doing my MRes at college part time but I have also been attending business courses and mentor sessions set up for me by the Prince's Trust and as a result have steamed ahead with my business idea.
I am now officially a Web-consultant and designer and thanks to skills I learnt or at least found out about during my undergraduate and my Masters I have discovered I am better (To my horror) than alot of the compertition. If one more person asks me if I use dreamweaver I may just scream!
Ok so I know I am lucky in the fact I have the techno guru at my disposial if I ever get stuck but to be honest it is all alot simpler than I thought it would be.
So here is my Website, the business is called Web-Empire and is a unique blend of art and technology just about right for my skill set I would say. You see I've had a eureka moment in that I feel alot of technical and sciencetific stuff is inaccessible to people mainly due to artificial barriers of what people expect things to be like - I will no doubt do a longer post on this at some point (if I get the time with all those nice new customers I'm hoping to get).
I want to make things accessible and I want people to lose this concept of dichotomy which allows dangerous psuedo science to slip in.
I'm hoping that web-empire will be a nice approachable business which will help its customers 🙂
I hope you all like the web-site feed back is always appreciated. It also has a blog where nice little articles on the world of the web will go, along with book reviews on web, business and art stuff. Not to mention I am constructing a hopefully useful glossary.