A Missed Eclipse (by sarah)
Last night was supposed to be a full lunar eclipse and as this is my Year of Astronomy I thought I'd watch it even though it was at totality at about 3 am. Well we stayed up and annoyingly half an hour before the shadow was due to first touch the moon there was a moon shining bright if a bit hazily in the sky so we where hoping. I even took some practice shots of the moon with a not very good camera.
Just with the camera and its the only one that I can say is actually worth looking at :/ Though it is still tiny.
It was a shame that we didnt get too see it but we did notice the light levels dipping perceptively and I got quiet alot of the hook rug I'm currently making done. Dad phoned at about 3:30 to say that he hadn't been able to see it in Essex either - did anyone in the UK actually get to see the eclipse?
Oh well never mind - I was going to makes scetches and stuff too but alas and alack!