Aunty Lizzy’s Birthday a.k.a. Boxing Day (by )

Boxing Day happens to be my aunts birthday so we all went round there for a bit of a party boxing day - this was cool especially as two of my cousins had babies about 6 weeks either side of Jean. Add in my still school aged cousins and Rachel the new baby and it was full of a bit too much cuteness and definately far too many smelly potties!

Daddy and Jean Ivan and Rachel Baby Daddy ferfer and baby rachel Jean listerning to the big kids here comes trouble plotting the demise of man kind Me? flash cards Ivan and rachel again Pheobe and Uncle Jim

There was also a nintendo wii which had alot of the sports accessories with it - much to my cousins Niels horror me and his girlfriend came a very close first and second in the bowling game where as he had about half our score!

Rebecca Wii boys boxing with wii

Jean had a great time especially when she got a little fairy dress complete with gold angle wings - there where much cries of pretty dress - far too girly for my taste but she enjoyed herself!

fingers yummy mummy! New Pink coat Pretty dress!

Fred the cat was unfortunatly spotted first by Jean and then by Alaric - fortunatly he is a tolerant old thing.

My meemee Al with yet another cat

At some point getting on towards the end of the everning a curly afro st gorges wig appeared which made its way with a fake beard and long witches noise left from halloween, onto a teddy bear. Then Jean found a tou pram and then said teddy was proclaimed - 'My Baby!' and thrust in said pram. Conor (or possibly Jordon) then stole the witches nose and well here are the pictures:

Rebecca and bin teddy Jeans Baby Bin Bear Baby gargamels noise transplant

There was lots of food including some very tasty mediterian vegtables and stuffing balls that werent dry! Alaric also recieved more presants that he could happily sit and build 🙂

yay - something to assemble! lots of yummy

as everning set in properlly the babies begain to get very tired - mum and dad where actually stranded at my aunts place as once again their car broke down and my brother had to go and get them! This ment they stayed the night at my aunts with a Jean Jeany who slept quiet happily in a travel cot thats not her own.

a bottle of the house white goes down a treat


  • By Aunty Lizzy, Sun 13th Jan 2008 @ 2:47 am

    Oh My Word! Talk about a 'Hoot Nanny'!!! What a good time we had!!! Thanks to everyone who came - I was absolutely overjoyed to see everyone having such a good time! The phrase 'TV Remote' will forever conjour up strange images and will make me go into raptures of uncontrolable laughter - Angela & Len will particularly understand this comment! Grief!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never laughed so much since Nanny caught ........................ in the mangle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love to you all,

    Aunty Lizzy


  • By sarah, Tue 15th Jan 2008 @ 12:55 pm

    glade you had a good B-day! 🙂

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