A hard Decision (by sarah)
This Post was written off line on Sunday:
Last night me and Alaric made a hard descision, at about 1 in the morning we phoned my perants and asked them to come and get Jean in the morning.
One of Barbaras friends had invited us to dinner to help out and she had made a lovely meal but before Jean could eat any off it she started vomiting (as in Jean vomited god English is a bad language for this). She rallied trumphantly and was happily playing when it happened again. Five times in all before she was being wrapped in a blanket to be taken home in and daddy was topless (he told all the ladys to restrain them selves cheecky boy!).
We were up very late with puking onto the towls, into the fire place, down mummys cleavage etc... This was really scaring us but we couldn't get through to nhs direct and she was still perking up after each time so we didn't think we should contact the emergancy servacies etc...
But realising that it was probably from the flood water or just the stress of her home being pulled to pieces we phoned my perants and asked them to come and get her.
This was a very hard decision for us as this will be the longest we've been apart from her since she was born :'(