Alaric - 'The kittens have killed a mouse and left it in the stable so be careful when we go in there.'
Sarah - 'So where's this mouse?' Squidge pop, 'What on earth did I just step on..? ... Oh! Euwwww! UCK! Ming ming ming - sorry Mr Mouse.'
Alaric - 'I dont think it really cares Sarah'
Sarah - 'I... my god its flat! And look its intestins have popped out of its side... why am I even looking?'
Alaric - 'Stop looking at it you'll only feel worse.'
Sarah - 'I know, but I can't help it! Sometimes being a scientist is a curse.'
Alaric - 'sigh'

Last week we were invaded by these monsters - apparently they are ponies - some peoples ideas of small need to be reassessed - yes the little brown one was small - large dog sized and is called Lucky - the other one however was taller than me!!!!!
Becuase its back and white Jean calls them cats!
Last night the moon was big and round and near the horizon and bright red!
My words to Al, 'Do you know how much I wish I had my camera on me? Do you know how much I wish I at least had my phone? In fact do you know how much I would give to have Ella's camera right now?'
Alas no camera so no picture of an excellent moon.
Today is Alarics birthday 🙂
To celebrate we are working all day and then running Cubs and Scouts! - then carpet cleaning the house due to a little cat insident.
A transfer was supposed to go into our personal account straight from a client rather than waiting for it to clear and then writting ourselves cheques for wages ect... Obviosly this was not all the money so some of it was still going straight to the company.
We did not panic when it did not come through as there has been a huge problem with all the banks so we expected it to go in yesturday.
I check our account today - erm.... erm... PANIC!!!!!
Ok ok I think I can pay my credit cards from my own account that should have just enough for both. What the..? Great just great, my family allownce thing (what ever it is called) went in a day after everything came out meaning I went 14 whole pounds over my overdraft limit, meaning that I have a 30 pound charge 🙁 Great.
Then I think hang on let me just check previous statements - what! I've been charged like every month and the family allowance stuff seems to randomly change what day its paid in on - grrrrrrrr!
Still I am so glade that I've finailly got my internet banking stuff sorted so I can check and notice these things more easily - watch out Mr Banks you are not getting any more charges out of me!!!!
(war paint applied - tommahawk at the ready)
p.s. we phoned the bank and they knew nothing of the transfer from the client who is on holiday now so we were actually quiet panicking - but it turns out its all been paid to the company so Alaric is currently out making an emergancy trip to the bank to pay in a cheque that will probably take like a week to clear 🙁 This means we are going to have about 100 pounds in charges -again :'(