No power! (by )

Bah. Our power failed at 7:30pm last night (the 5th of March) and has yet to resume at the time of writing (11:30am on the 6th of March).

The house is festooned with extension leads, since we're running the fridge and freezers from the generator, with another spur over to the ADSL router zone. I'm typing this on my laptop, hooked up to the router with a patch cord, since I don't have enough extension cables to get the switches going to get Internet access to the office...

About to go out and fill up our fuel cans...


  • By Charlee, Tue 6th Mar 2007 @ 11:47 am

    I hope you can charge your generator expenses to the power company?

  • By Ben, Tue 6th Mar 2007 @ 5:56 pm

    Still no power? Very naughty power company. How are you supposed to participate in the modern world?

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