Thanks to the rain we managed to make it to the reception of my friends wedding. Which was in Hatfield!
I think its the only time I been glade to see snow melt! It was great 🙂
Charlotte wore a buetiful 'fish tail' dress and becuase it is Febuary she had a lovely little white fur wrap! She looked very Fairy Princess 🙂
We made it before the first dance too, which was amazing as we had got lost for about an hour once we came off of the motor way! Well it was probably less time than that but I was bursting for a wee and we had to change in the back of the van etc....
Even though it was a very late night for Jeany-bo she really loved it! Though I did have to feed her most of the fruit for the chocolate fountain!
Sorry it was too pretty not to photograph!
Ecellent - pure genius!
It was a bit too hot inside though, we found so we went exploring outside and found there was Ducks and Fire!
And of course I could not help myself - there were geeks presant so I did what I always do and make them pose!
It was really lovely with fireworks going off to Jeruselum and cheesy music to suit any conorser 🙂
We had a great time- I was sad when we left at Midnight as it would have been fun to stay longer but we had a 3 to 4 hr drive to get home. And Jean was inevitably getting a bit grizzly. Of course me being me I forgot the wedding presants so still have to sort that out at some point!
For the last week I have been suffering an eye infection - this is slightly different from the conjuctervitis that Al and Jean had over Christmas. I got something in my eye and it started weeping and producing very pale gunk under the lid and feeling all scratchy. Only in the left eye. I then put in some eye ointment and my eye lids and the bit over bone between the eyebrow and lid puffed right up. The eye itself went very bloodshot.
I was allergic to the ointment - sigh.
Anyway it has only stopped weeping today though is still producing some gunk. I unseccesfully tried to take photos of my own eye - they didn't work but here they are anyway!
After three days with the swelling getting worse I really did start to look like I'd been in a fight - still do!
The pics were taken before I had the reaction to the ointment!
Due to computer sillyness I have been unable to load pictures effectively - hence the reduction in the number of blog posts I've made recently!
Anyway a few weeks ago we finially managed our 'Christmas' trip to see Als Cousins.
There is alot of cuteness in the following pictures - you have been warned!
Jean and Annabelle had a great time - this was just before Jean had started to walk. Her and Annabelle were having some great races though and there was a lot of giggling a foot!
we were however late due to having to wake poor Barabra up to find the Door Clamp that Als Uncle needed - but still it provided some amusement - to me at least!
As always Alaric fell asleep - at least it wasn't at a funeral this time!
Sorry an arty one again! I just could not resist photographing this white rose when I saw it.
To Jeans joy she found a cat that doesn't run away, even when over hugged! His names Tigger.
Alaric became deluged by small children - he looked in his element 🙂
We also went to the park which had a cool helicopter in it - toy one obviously. unfortunatly I left my camera behind 🙁
It was a nice day out and Jean was happy to be left playing with the other children.
Jean loves my furry white gloves - she keeps stealing them!
The Only trouble is she looks like a fluffy lobster with them on!
I am an idiot - I washed the cats flea collors!
doh doh doh.
And Minni's been having her treatments becuase she doesn't have a collar!