Fleas (by sarah)
'Alaric when did the cats last have their flea treatment?'
'Erm, can't remember why?'
'Becuase I am covered in flea bits! Havent found any on Jean. Didnt you mark it in the calender?'
'Oh dear, no why should I have?'
'Yes its supposed to be done every three months isnt it?'
'Oh no we only ever did it when they got fleas...' I will not type what I said yet as it would be lots of stars! Approximatly it was along the lines of...
'Nonononon... we have a baby we dont let the cats get fleas in the first place! Same with the worming tablets.'
'You haven't given them their worming treatment either have you?'
'But they dont have worms...'
Ok so I had three flea bits but still - I'm afriad poor Al got moaned at quiet alot as he'd said he would do the cats meds as he's brought cats up before.
Good job I'm already in the middle of spring cleaning!
By alaric, Sun 18th Feb 2007 @ 11:12 am
What Sarah's omitting is the full text, however 🙂
When I were a lad, the cats all had decent flea collars, so only needed flea treatments if the fleas managed to get a toehold somehow. Which was rare.