I'm seriously considering becoming a big user of Xen. As in, making all of my servers run Xen (with NetBSD as the host OS), with everything of import then running in Xen "domains" (virtual servers) beneath.
There's a number of advantages to this.
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today was the villages epithany celebration thingy - now I've never been to one of these - its marks Twelth Night and the coming of the Wise Men to visit the baby Jesus in Egypt or somewhere.
We were asked as a family to play Mary, Joseph and Jesus - especially as Jean is about the right age. We agreed and found ourselves in a drafty barn wrapped in some hastily made costums. I wore one of our large lavender table cloths with on the small purple cheque table cloths on my head and Al wore a red table cloth with our brown strippy table cloth for some authentic looking arms - again a purple cheque table cloth for his head - complete with purple head band. I was a bit worried that it was a bit disrestectable to the people whos country Jesus was supposed to have been from etc... but remninded myself it was just a little play and crossed my fingers!

Jean was to play Jesus but she is way too wriggly to be wrapped in a sheet! My solution?
I got the blue and white table cloth that belonged to one of my nans - it is very holy cough I mean wholey and is only used as a last minute back up blanket for Jean. It is small and the has the right sort of patterning on it. So I folded it in half and cut the corner off to make a head hole when the cloth was opened out again. I then tacked some sleeves in and it fitted really well!
Unfortunatly when sorting the costums out I had failed to think - hang on we are going to be in a freezing cold barn! And therefore they had to go on over Jeans coat! Complete with pink fluffy triming!
It must be the first time Jesus was portrayed as a hoodi!
Still it was a lot of fun and the smell of the straw in the barn and the baa of sheeps made me nostalgic for Wales.
The only alarming bit was how well Jean did in her role - including desiding that her music instrament would be better employed as a halo and the expression on her face as people bowed which said - yeah I could get used to this!
Seriously though she did very well she sat quietly next to us and smiled at the right times and things! She even tried to take the gifts of the wise men! (all of whom appeared to be under five).
We then had a great time chatting to the other villagers over coffee and Christmas cake.
Jean was so good at being Jesus that many people reverted to the idea that we have a son!
We went to my Aunts today to visit some of the younger memebers of my family!
Two of my cousins had babies (well thier girlies did anyway!) around the same time as Jean was born - about 6 weeks either side. Its so cute watching the three of them together!

At first Jean was shy though and wouldnt let go of me or her grandperants!

I think Aunty Lizzy is collecting babies!

My two cousins who where page boys at our wedding turned up too - and then the choas really started - FIVE children under the age of 10 and 3 of those under two!!!!

Much fun was had by all 🙂
Here's the write up on how I made our Christmas wreath!
Christmas Wreath
Thanks Mike and Mark for your helpful suggestion - I checked it out and here it is!
The Point-Defect Shop.
This one has a slightly different theme to the Salaric Shop. Salaric is funky and arty where as Point Defect is art and imagery inspired by science and nature.
Go look!
Tell me what you like and what you dont! It currently has only one album called Bubbles but it will get updated with new pics 🙂