Bent As can Be! (by sarah)
Here is Alaric modelling the very Bent french stick we bought in Tescos for, wait for it.. - 4p!!!! thats right Four Whole Pennys!!!!! It where freashly baked and everything!!!
I think it was worth it just for the humour value!!!!
Temptation begain to kick in by this point and he started insinuating I was being rude! I was shocked I tell you shocked!
He then started threatening me with said bent loaf - but I thought it made him look like mosses with the staff that turns into a serpant (I think thats the story anyway!).
I think much fun was had from the simple pressance of a long bent thing and the French stick was lovely we had it as part of my Birthday Dinner 🙂
By Mike Mussard, Fri 12th Jan 2007 @ 9:06 am
You so needed to draw a face on it for the last picture!