Geologist Running to erm…. Somewhere? (by sarah)
Ok - some peeps seem a bit confussed as to what is currently the status of me - which probablt means I forgot to blog it!
Ok - well I was told I had to wait this year to restart my MRes completely - so I waited - then about 6 weeks before term starts I get an email saying I need a drs note saying I'm fit enough to go back - this didnt happen - I was informed I was doing to much and against medical advise I asked to do the distance learning modules.
Colleges lake of response to any form of comunication after I said I couldnt get the drs note - means that its nopw too late to start even that 🙁 So where does this leave Sarah?
Cant go to college - already 'doing' to much - supposed to have afternoon naps and concentrate on getting better - this also equals no job - other than the few things I do for Warhead.
I have another problem - in that I go stir crazy when doing - NOTHING!
House work like hoovering still leaves me dizzy so Al has banned me from certain tasks.
I have taken up the Scout thing - but they all know of the medical situation so previsions for a Sarah BAD DAY can be found - this is especially important as without the pregnancy hormone in my system my back has been getting increasingly bad again - though the pelvis is getting better.
Tonight me and Al start an 8 week writting course with free critique of our work - this is important to me as with the enforced lake of activity in my life I now find I have time to writ and draw - something that I thought I would develope as a second career once retired. I have several projects on the go - it is not physically taxing unlike geology! And it keeps my brain working - scouts will keep my interest in the outdoors primed even if I cant do a lot of the things.
I am trying to viwe all this as an opportunity to develope a second career in conjunction or parralle with my first career - when I am ill - I can at least think on ideas and help develope them - the days my hands dont work - I can get Al to writ things down for me - this works we have done it many times before.
I still am a GEOLOGIST - do not fear - that side of me isnt dead but I have always also been the ARTIST and now after a long time of being on the back burner it is its turn.
I can see all the science peeps out there cringing! But never fear - I am trying to writ a series of childrens books that I think you'll all approve of!
So the long and the short of it is - I am not really doing anything 'useful' for the next two yrs but with big changes happening on several levels of our life - including mass change in our business lives I'm not sure we could have afforded for me to be doing the MRes anyway.
One the passing out stops I will see if I can resume my work experience but slowely slowely is the key.
So yeah - I'm currently a useless memeber of society - I am very lucky to have Al is all I'm going to say. If that makes me a scrounger in some peoples eyes then so be it - but please peeps bare in mind that I do work for our company too and am infact a Director - you cant get away with doing nothing for that title!
Sarah sneaks off to find some vaugly dry rock to crawl benieth.