T H Huxley (by sarah)
Dear fellow geologist,
I have found a thing of exquisite beauty in the Oxfam book shop in Stroud yesturday. I couldnt believe my eyes when I saw it - I spent a whole 12 quid on it so I expect you all to ogle it and go ooooooo lots!
Isn't it just the best? Notice the date if you will on this next photo!
1895!!!!!!! Wow - not only is it one of our oldest books but just wow! I found it becuase I was looking for a presant for Al who collects old technical and scienific books.
For us RSM peeps T H Huxley is very very improtant 🙂
I am horrified at the wikipedia artical on the guy - yo geologists that are better than me - go and put our history into the artical please!
I would give a link telling people about T H Huxley and stuff to do with the Huxley school, the RSM and Imperial college but I cant find a decent write up or the pages dont work - why am I not suprised? If a peeps knows of anything good I could link to let me know?
Oh and isnt the book lovely - for those who cant read the title on the book its Science and Education Essays by T. H. Huxley its volum III though so now I suppose I have to hunt the others down to make a nice set!
Sarah is very happy - geology love and old book love combined in one precoius bundle - sarah skips away into the sunset to read - woundering vaguely if it should be done with rubber gloves on? Hmmm.... maybe I should get Al to do more reading of old books.
By Aunty Lizzy, Sat 14th Oct 2006 @ 2:15 am
Sarah congratulations on your magnificant find, but it should be white COTTON gloves that you don (not rubber gloves) when veiwing 'old' documents.
Happy hunting for the previous 2 - will keep my eyes 'peeled' on my rummages.
A. Lizzy
P.S. Shampooers do come in handy with puking littleun's!!
By Lionel, Mon 23rd Oct 2006 @ 7:27 pm
Great find, Sarah and happy hunting for the other volumes. Have you ever been to Hay on Wye for book hunting?