In my previous post, I spoke of technologies that prevent [email spoofing](E-mail spoofing) by reliably tying the mail server sending a message to a domain, or checking that the message is from who it claims to be from.
These measures alone can reduce spam - in the short term - because, right now, lots of spam is spoofed. But as these technologies spread, spammers will set up lots and lots of domains, put valid SPF and CSV records in them, and start spamming.
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There are a number of technologies vying to protect us from spam, by providing channels for legitimate senders of email to prove that any given message comes from them, thus allowing them to build a reputation (and get whitelisted) while spammers' domains and/or mailserver IPs get bad reputations, and they can't spoof messages to steal the good reputations of others.
This is entirely separate to tools like SpamAssassin, which try to analyse emails once they've arrived, and allow a recipient to judge their spaminess regardless of who they've come from.
It's also entirely separate from things like HashCash, which work by letting senders attach a mathematical proof to their message that shows they've invested a second or so of computer time, thus distinguishing them from people who send thousands of messages per second.
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Well we called for H last night and she didnt come in - perhapse shes asleep in our bedroom then - we thought. This morning ni sign of the normal playful hungry kitten so out side plate of food in hand calling - nothing - no flash of black and white fur as there should have been.
We began to get really worried - then I heared very faint mewing - I searched the coal 'bunker' where it sounded like it was coming from - Perhapse she was stuck in the cattle grid or something - no - still the mewing. I turned and lo - there she was mewing at me from the window of the little garage 
Poor thing - I went in there early yesturday morning - Al says he hasn't been in there - all I can hope is that maybe Babara thought it would be a good idea to let her in there whilst we where out (as if its daytime we let the kittens roam outside). But unlikely meaning the poor thing was in there for ages but I'm sure we fed her dinner :/
Still she's back and safe and her sister kept mewing at us last night - in hindsight she was trying to get us to rescue H - oh well.
On the topic of cats - Minni keeps making a disturbing clanking of jaw and salavating sounds and motions as she watches the birds feeding at our bird table - her tail goes flick flick flick!
I'm writing a unit test for a bit of code that connects to a server. The bit of code has parameters - hostname, username, password, and details of what to fetch from the server.
The thing is, the infrastructure it's placed in expects it to store the password in encrypted form. It has to use a separate component that contains a hidden master key to decrypt the password when it's required, and to encrypt a new password given to it.
Also, since the application will be fetching lots of different things from different servers, it quite reasonably has a 'host' abstraction that can be referred to by lots of data collection modules; it keeps a central list of hosts, and my component is passed a Host object.
But when writing a unit test for my component, this is a pain. The way the central list of hosts and the crypto component are accessed involves going through a 'session' object that also has lots of things like listening sockets, database connections, and much other complexity afoot.
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Ok Al decided he would help more with the house stuff as I'm supposed to be doing less - he's done the last few turns of washing and just to be sterotypical couple - he put the lovely white crocheted blanket and the some of the fleece blankets in a boil wash
the fleeces are sort of ok but the blanket is ruined - Sorry Aunty Lizzy and Lillian I know you put alot of work into that blanket :(.
Poor Al is devastated.
This is what happens when posh boys schools think that Home economics isnt a subject worth teaching to the boyz! I should have checked or at least reminded him - sigh.