Stupid Balls of Fluff! (by sarah)
The kittens have been being stupidly cute again - we tend to chuck them out of the bedroom at night as they pounce on you as anyone who's stayed here knows! Well we turfed one last night and thought the other was down stairs - however I proceeded to have a strange dream that the baby had crawled out of her cot and into our bed for a snuggle.
In a half dream state at some point in the night I reached out to stroke her hair and lo! A warm furry bundle was snuggled up next to me So then being the heartless person I am I got Al to turf it out of the bedroom.
The other thing they keep doing is sitting on the window sill and watching the birds on the bird table - in fact there was just a huge thunk as Hydrogen tried to catch one though a closed window! Minni has also been caught watching the birds her tail flicking backwards and forwards - a stupid kitten thought this was a toy this morning and pounced and then was shocked and upset when minni chased her out of the house We love having cats!