Bubble Goes Backwards! (by )

Al invented a new game to play with our energetic exploro-bubble, otherwise known as Jean. Sitting on the bed with her she crawls to the edge but before she gets there you grab her legs and pull her backwards(gently of course) you have to say in an annoyingly gooey voice 'bubble goes backwards!' and she shreiks with joy untold - she really really loves this game!

Her communication skills are interesting, signwise she does Milk, Yummy (or if she thinks your taking to long this turns into double milk), and No! (which food wise results is food being chucked if you dont notice in time).

Words - Mamamama, Dadadadada, Nananana (or these could all be the same thing and everone is having wishful thinking but strangers have now said thats what shes saying so I think we are home and dry with those). Num num (this is my fualt as I say nummy nanana and is equivalent to yummy or food in JEan speak), Eggo (we think this is hello as we say it too her a lot and she waves whilst saying it). Then there are sudo grgr (maybe granddad?) and brbr (Barabara?).

Crying - She has some distinctive crying patterns - there is what I think of as genuin crying which just makes you want to hug her lots - this normally occures when she crawls into the cross beam of chair or underside of bed. Then there is mizogging, this is I'm tired or have a dirty nappy etc... it is repeatative and highly annoying - I think this must be a survivial techniquic bred into us so that we try and find what the baby needs to shut them up! Then there is the hysterical I want to be played with and entertained where do you think you are going? And why have you taken my bottle away?!!!!! - this is the most destressing as you cant carry them everywhere and when dealing with kettles and the like they cant really be near them and they really dont understand that the bottle is empty even when its being replaced with a full one! This type of crying makes you want to cry and makes you feel your really letting them down in some way.

Body langauge - Jean smiles lots 🙂 She also scowls in a dark and brooding manner - something she has inherited from Al's side I feel, then there is the old rubbing eyes when tired, waving arms and wiggling when excited. But the bit we are gushy proud perants of at the moment is that she spent Monday at nursery waving hello and goodbye to people as they came and went - this is somethng we had been working on 🙂 but she was just waving all the time going eggo now she's sort of cottoned on 🙂


  • By Charlee, Wed 9th Aug 2006 @ 11:11 pm

    The scowl is yours honey, she has your scowl 😉

  • By sarah, Thu 10th Aug 2006 @ 9:21 am

    Scowl? Scoel! What scowl? I don't scowl!

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