Todays Date (by )

Anyone else noticed the numrical date today?

If I was an evil genius type I would probably have picked today as the day of take over/destruction of the world!

Of course this is an artifact of our current calendar system and occures every hundred yrs. Also in the original langauge (hebrew I think but cant remember, it means the same inverted meaning that it actually will occure in another three years time!).

Oh actually it will happen twice more for a whole month in yrs like 66 and 99 but that will be four and not three and so probably doesnt count!

Food Confusion and Wiggling! (by )

Jean saw the pasty I had made for Al and being in his arms she leaned as far over as she could and tried to reach the pasty. When this failed she begain furiously signing for milk with both hands at it! We laughed so much - she sees food as sort of 'double' milk and quiet often frantically signs for milk when she wants food - though this isnt really suprizing as milk was her only 'food'' for a long time. She is also improving on the crawling front though still not getting anywhere - poor baby 🙁 What she does is manage to get herself up on her hands and knees but then she just wobbles backwards and forwards until either her hands slip and she falls flat on her face or her legs slip and she goes rapidly backwards. Obviously this is really frustrating for her! But she can turn over and roll sideways quiet well 🙂

Jean’s Cot (by )

Well this week dad was supposed to be working on Jeans 'real' cot but what with the flood and all it hasnt been finished. This has not been helped by the fact that he had lost my original design and there was a few techniqual things we had to sort out - like how to put it together in a safe non wobbly way! Also we had to by a router which still doesnt go deep enough for the female part of the joint therefore progress has slowed dramaticallt as dad finishes the joints of with chisels and Als rubber mallet - this is time consuming and difficult to make neat but dad is doing a fantastic job as always!

Al also saved me and dad from a headache earlier in the week by knowing of a special bolt thing neither me nor dad had come across before - called tee nuts - these are lots of fun!

This cot is going to be Jeans first bed to which is one of the special design features along with sides you can drop so I can get her in and out of the cot without hurting my back! Yes yes it should have been ready about a month ago but what with me being ill and the move Dad hasnt had a chance - still Jean has her travel cot which is fine - I would just like her to be in the nice cot I designed!

Silage and Endless Mowing (by )

Mowing the 'grounds' is a fall days job pretty much and it really needs doing every week - obviously this doesnt really happen but Al still seems to be spending much time mowing and I taking the cuttings in the wheel barrow to the compost heap so they can cook the compost and ferment into silage.

Unfortunatley for me yesturday Al ask me if I wanted gloves to put the grass cuttings on the heap - I asked wh would I need those - he said so I could throw it all on - I pointed out that I just dumped the whole lot from the barrow. He was interged by this and decided to follow me and watch - I got flumaxed cos he was watching and manged to step straight into the 'bog' (this is the area around the compost heap that has flooded due to all the rain) a foul stentch arose and to make things worse - I was wearing sandels! So I squelched over to the part of the stream that has steps in it - moaning at Al for watching me and washed my foot in the freezinbg stream!

But the comady of errors got worse for me as I realised a) my foot was painfall and going numb and b) my stupid body is still too broken to allow me to step out of the stream by myself so Al had to rescue me - yet again!

Still all good fun!

Almost Clapping and Definatly Giggling! (by )

Jean is now ticklish!

Its so much fun - all you have to do is to run your finger along her neckline and you get giggling and scretches of joy 🙂 She still has a cough but the illness seems to have passed, once again she is the smiling fun baby who has waitresses cooing over her and trying to teach her to clap even though they are now closed and should be chucking us out!

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