What was I thinking!
I went to water the veg patch about 2 hours ago, noticed how big the parsnips were, thought, I'll just do some wedding around them and some how ended up thinning them and transplanting the leftovers!
Now I have a nagging feeling that parsnips dont transplant very well so most of the effort may have been in vain 🙁
Still next year we know to a)ignore the packet on how many to sow in a row and b) not to plant the radishes and salsify so near to the carrots and parsnips!
Still the garlic are taking root and I found a random mint plant in the patch - now if I can harvest it apropriatly it shouldnt take over and its a really nice tasting one too! (I'm not to hot on types of mint sorry guys!) That makes three types of mint I can locate in the garden now 🙂
Also we have loads of wounderful wild strewberries!!! Yum yum yum 🙂
I have mouth ulcers - you think not a problem - right?
I can hardly talk, eating is becoming a problem too - I mentioned it to the Dr during my three monthly check up and thats it its time for blood tests again - sigh 🙁
Not happy just want mouth to stop hurting 🙁
Oh well on the plus side its not as bad as labour!
This morning I heard lots of noise outside - I thought oh no Tims caught some gosling or something and is torturing it (Tim being the cat), I went outside the door only to be flown at by an irrate mother duck. I screamed - she quacked.
I could still here loads of strange quacking next to me - I looked down to fine juvinile ducks around my feet in a panic, they then hastily retreated into the dead end of the coal store! Trapping themselves - I thought they were going to have heart attacks! They were trying to climb the coal sacks and just sliding back down them.
I put out some bread for the panic stricken mother waiting up on the grass verge and then 'hid' inside and took photos as they made their daring escape!
We are very happy becuase we thought the magpies and that had eaten all their eggs but obviously not 🙂

Ok peeps we have 2 dates for Jeans Christening/1st birthday party! These are Sunday the 27th and 20th of August. Her birthday party will be on the Saturday of which ever date is confirmed 🙂
So keep these dates free and you might want to let me know your current contact detials as I am a muppet and probably wont be able to find them in the chaos that is my office!
Ok I know this was now over a two weeks ago but I promised to blog about it!
This was the reason we last trapps all the way to Essex - for the reunion of the Havering Youth Chior - I loved this chior I really did. I ended up being part of Summer on the South Bank with them, performing in the Shouting Fence by Orlando Goth 🙂 many moons agao. Through the chior I ended up singin at the Royal Festival Hall and the Queen Elizabeth Hall (thats the dingy brown one with concret pyramids on the roof next to the Royal Festival Hall!). We got used for conductor exams by the Royal School of music which was fun too 🙂
We did so many local concerts and Carol singing for local charities that I have lost count! On of the singers at our wedding was my friend from Chior - Clair in fact we started arranging stuff for the wedding at the first chior reunion. Then at last years I was heavily pregnant whilst we sang african songs and 'negro' spirituals 🙂
This year we did John Rutters Requiem and Te Duim (mmmm cant remember how to spell it!) - this last one was offle though - we renamed it to tedium! Next year I wouldn't mind doing Magrigals or some of my Jazz favorites like Birdland but we'll have to see!
I'm afriad I had to fall back on using the crutch as a day of standing and church pews where just too much! I nearly made it through the entire concert standing but 1 and 1/2 songs before the end I found myself sitting and a loud crash as I'd droped the crutch in the precoess - mew - opps!
Jean also decided to join in the concert - we just finish one of the more upbeat peices in the Requiem and instead of the silence that should have followed there were happy 'baby singing' sounds - well she had the rhythem! Apparently she also joined in with some precussion from the other end!
Jonh Morris seemed excited to have his chior back 🙂 and on top of that we had a great day and the concert raised over £300 for Age Concern Havering 🙂
Unfortunatly Football Mania had a grib of most people there - they all had minni TVs and lunch time a TV was specifically set up - it was the first match guys! Come on - its not even interesting until we get somewhere! - sigh - the church spirer was also showing its support!