Strange Days (by sarah)
Well the world is a strange place as you all probably know, my uncle Benny died yesturday, he was the on with Downes, he was in a wheel chair at the wedding due to the strokes he had had. I find myself releived though as he was in lots of pain, he had pneumonia but was getting better until they put his feeding tube in his left lung and then got the x-rays mixed up so thought it was in his stomache. The short of the story is they accidently filled is lung with the food, which they cleared, but it was to late, he went on a machin thing thats like a respirator but isn't. The hardest part is how its affecting my mum and all my aunts and uncles, we can't even organise the funeral as there has to be an inquest and possibly the police will have to be involved. This week has been very stressful as most of it has been spent in hospitals 🙁