Bah, back to Rails! (by )

Gah. I was happily thinking that I was slowly getting rid of my last Ruby on Rails projects, when I've ended up on another one. Despite extensive hype, Rails is a bit of a dog... Ruby has some niceties, but also has a lot of misfeatures, and the implementation is still maturing. But Rails is dreadful, dreadful code. It helps you if you're working within its limited model, but as soon as you come across a problem that doesn't fit into that model, you're quickly working at pretty much the same level as PHP and everything else: writing Ruby code that is called upon an HTTP request and has to output some HTML back, albeit with access to a reasonable template language... And it's full of bugs and gotchas that keep you up all night screaming "Why doesn't this wooooorrrkkkkk?!?!?!?".

You see, the project is a major extension of a Rails project we'd mainly finished. We had the choice of rewriting the whole thing in something else (which would involve some time spent catching up with where we already are rather than producing anything new), continuing with Rails, or making a hybrid system, writing the new parts in something else while reusing parts in Rails (which would be a bit ugly).

Since the client wants to see interesting new things appearing after the first week or two, sadly, it had to be Rails...

1 Comment

  • By Ben, Sat 5th Jan 2008 @ 5:30 pm

    I'm always slightly puzzled about your views on Rails. I'm working on a project many times bigger than the one you mention and have never had that kind of experience.

    Obviously it is over hyped and has flaws, but just like languages, frameworks appear to be much of a muchness and the choice fairly arbitrary.

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