Moving Story Telling Cafe (by sarah)
Over the last year or so I have been working very hard with two amazing story tellers to bring story telling to Gloucester and finally we have arrived - our first story telling session is on Thursday 21st November 2019 at The Cafe Rene - this was the first pub I ever went in around here back before we even moved to Gloucestershire. The pub has some amazing history including a well inside and is next to a glorious grave yard and ancient ruins. It is a fantastic venue.
This is the first of four nights though we hope to get it running on a permanent basis.
Aural traditions such as singing and story telling are the basis of our modern literature and novel reading not to mention the theatre and even film. The tradition has held on by it's finger tips but now it is time for it to be once more!
Come and share with us
It is for grown ups only and sadly due to the antiquity of the building it is not wheel chair accessible though the other venues are.