Bus Fare Stupidness (by )

I decided to go to Cheltenham on the bus becuase we thought it would be cheaper and more environmentally friendly than the van - it may be more environmentally friendly but it certianly is not budget friendly.

It is in fact twice as expensive for me to get the bus in than to travel in by the van - if Al is dropiing me off and going straight home then it costs the same.


So this places public transport into the catagory of the thing you only do if you can drive or get someone to drive you, rather than the more sensible - this is the cheaper slightly scuzier option.

To be fare they do have a weekly £9 ticket which I shall look into as there and back is over a fiver! It is ludicrous - and it appears to be in a viscous cycle - no one uses the buses so the costs have to be met by the few who have to use it but becuase it is so expensive fewer and fewer and fewer people will use it.




  • By becca, Sat 14th Jul 2007 @ 11:56 am

    we have the exact same problem in Milton Keynes - a single journey (just one stop or more) can cost up to £1.50. Thats like london prices!!!! Also to get from our house to campus we have to take two buses = 40mins according to the timetable, but in reality the buses only come once every half and hour or hour. So if the bus is early it doesn't wait at the stop until the correct time to depart, so if you miss it your journey can take 2hours!!!! By car it osts me £8 in petrol and i take Olly and myself to work in just 5 mins.

  • By @ndy, Mon 16th Jul 2007 @ 11:44 am


    In London the tube prices are still creeping up. I won't rant now about the Oyster card / cash fair thing. What I will say is that if you're delayed for more than 15 minutes you can claim back the cost of your journey through the TFL customer charter (https://www.tfl.gov.uk/tube/contacts/refunds.asp). It's an online form and, having filled it in, they just sent you a voucher in the post. Now, the really good thing is that I use an Oyster card where the journey costs £1.00. When I claim on the customer charter, even tho' I tell them that I use an Oyster Card, they refund me the full cash price of my journey, which is £2.00. The company that runs your public transport services should have a Customer Charter in place as well. Mustafa has more to say (http://mustafa.arif.me.uk/node/88)

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