Mock Tales (by sarah)
Last night we had the first of what we hope will be a roughly fortnightly event - that can not be set in stone because we are just too busy.
And that is part of why we've set it up - Mock Tales is literally a night of tales and cocktails except there is no alc. this is an important factor as pubs are great but not always productive or helpful for creative works. People work in different ways.
So we created a creative zone of 2 hrs ring fenced for writing projects specifically and made sticky drinks with bits of fruit, gold lead and coconut!
We started by sharing tales with each other (see what I did there!!! SEEEEEE) around the table with a share alike curry. Then we took our second round of drinks into the living room and wrote...
I had plenty of writing stimuli incase people got stuck including a new deck of tarot cards with amazing art work, but as it turned out everyone had their own projects and were typing or scribbling away like mad 🙂
And Alaric broke the 90, 000 word barrier on his novel 😀 This is the novel he's been working on every since our first date really. We got into a conversation and... well discovered we both had a similar world story line mapped out in our heads and that it would be easy to make them be the same story from two points of view. We decided he'd write his bit first but what with me and illness and babies and floods and storms and roofs and so on it has only inched along with a little blast everytime we managed to have a holiday (which has not been every year).
So that is big achievement UNLOCKED 🙂
There was only 3 of us last night and that was fine and great 🙂 I only popped the fact we were doing a mock tales evening up on Facebook on Sunday (I think), which lets face it - is not much warning!
Basically if you are a writer or would like to try and write that book which has been languishing in you, then you are welcome to join us.
Also money!
Ok so Al's new job pays less than the old, it shouldn't be a problem but... for the cost of one drink in the pub I produced:
2 Decadent Coffee Pots (photo above)
2 Raspberry Fizzes (pint glasses and complete with frozen raspberries)
1 Mint Lush
1 Vanilla Lush
1 Vanilla Coke
They tasted as good if not better than the ones in the pubs - to be fair I this only works out cheaper because I have big bulks syrups that I use for my coffees etc... but by amount used the most expensive thing was the silken tofu that I marinated with coffee. And the chocolate was a bonza reduced find which I was very lucky with but even so...
And don't worry these are not instead of Creativi Tea - and yes I know I should organise the Spring one 🙂