Oh What A Soggy Day (by sarah)
This evening I went to cubs with Alaric - they were doing archery at the campsite in Cranham. I wondered around at first finding the late comers but soon ended up instructing the archery like the good ol' days back at Thriftwood (though not as the archery leader as my qualification must be well expired). It started raining and got heavier and heavier but it was good fun. I did however miss the chance to photograph Jeany as I was showing her how to do it instead!
It was great fun and I have really missed stuff like this. I took photos of the campsite before the session began 🙂
Mary loved exploring though was a bit grumpy we weren't having a campfire.
Jean and Mary helped put the kit away which was really sweet. We were all drenched by the end of it 🙂