Red Nose Day 2013 (by sarah)
Catching up on all my photos again 🙂
We had a three fold Red Nose Day spanning several days!
I made cakes for the Cubs. Red nose cake pops, cherry scone things which were diary and wheat free along with the dinosaurs, and cupcakes in red cake cases.
I made up games and craft activities such as get the red noses in the hoops, draw the red nose on Alaric, make a fluffy red nose and so on.
Then Friday Mary had to go to Nursery in red spotty clothing - Al whisked her away before I could take a photo 🙁 But I did manage to get Jeany and her Wacky Hair 🙂
The it was off to Centre Arts who were doing Red Nose Day stuff in the shopping centre in Cheltenham. there was a cake competition which I had forgotten all about!
The Giant Cupcake was baked by Vanilla Pod Bakery and was raffled off for £45. The Red Nose was made by one of the ladies at the centre and was actioned for £20.
Recipes for my bakes will be appearing on Salaric Cooking.