Mary and Jean (by sarah)
I thought I'd just do a little catch up on the girls - Mary is walking, saying Mumma, hitting people because she is teething, keeps trying to dress herself, when that fails she brings the clothes to me to dress her then once dressed she gets her shoes and tries to push the pushchair over to me. If she doesn't want something she will grab it and throw it just to show she really does not want it!
She has a favourite toy - a little hamster who is her baby, she tries to play the recorder and she loves drums. She giggles and cries at the slightest things and loves snuggles.
Jean is obsessed with acronyms especially recursive ones which she spells out and says ALL THE TIME. She is having stress attacks over where to put apostrophes when something belongs to a plural and is correcting my spelling. She has been moved up a class with some of her friends for spelling and things. She is obsessed with Harry Potter and wants me to do her hair in Hermione styles and talks in parseltongue.
She is sad science club has finished but is happy she is getting to do her dancing at school. She sings her beavers theme all the time and wants to take part in Jujistu competitions. She lies about having washed both body and teeth so keeps being in trouble and is getting sneakier about it by the day!
She has declared she wants four jobs when she is older:
She wants to be in bands (three of so she can play the drums, guitar and sing), then she wants to be a Vet as she loves animals and wants to make them better, then she wants to be an artist (specifically she wants to be the colour artist to comic book/animation line drawings and her colouring is fantastic!) and lastly she wants to be a teacher.
I have to ration the amount of time she spends reading and doing maths so she actually goes and plays - when her friends come round she organises them into bands and theatre groups and puts on shows for me.
I think that is everything currently.
Oh apart fromt he fact that Mary escapes all and any strap you put her in and has taken to posting what ever she can into the bin if you don't watch her!
Jean is picking up Lojban even though Alaric is only really speaking it to the baby and she keeps coming home saying things in Spanish and French. She is also doing her own writing ranging from poetry to stories though most of them involve Daleks.