Sponsered Walk! (by )

This weekend coming is the village boundary walk, now I've been practicing as a physiotherapy thing and am going to attempt it - I'll be doing the shortened version which is about 10 miles and will be with the old and infirm. We will be having regular breaks and generally taking all day about it with a stop of in a pub at the end - our lunch is being taken around for us so no carrying!

I think I might be able to do this especially as it'll be broken into stages meaning if it is too much I can back out and be rescued easily! (knowing me this is lickley ask any geologist whos been on a field trip with me!).

However I will be doing this as a sponsered walk to raise money for a charity - provisionally this will be the NSPCC though they have not yet got back to me. It will be a charity along those lines though!

Now if peeps are feeling flushed with short change and want to encourage me to work at this walk they can sponser me 🙂 I dont care if it is a penny or a pound or ten, just something would be nice!

I am aware that I wont see lots of people so you can either send me cheques etc.. or if you are coming to the Parties then I will have the form there (even though I'll already have done the walk).

Thanks guys!

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