Disastor Narrowelly Avoided :( (by )

Occassionally I keep falling over for no good reason - I dont go dizzy or twist my ankle - my legs one or both just sort of give up. This has been happening for a while now but with enough time inbetween that I keep forgetting about it and wouldnt have thought much about it except Al started asking why was I falling over?

I didnt think it was anything to worry about considering whats happened to me recently I thought it was me setterling into movement angain - if that makes scense, especially as it tended to happen when I was 'pushing' myself.

Today however, it happened whilst I was carrying Jean, I managed to recover slightly and using new found Mother reflexes prefented her from hitting the deck, I was however then stuck in a strange sort of crouch that Al had to rescue me from 🙁

Now obviously this is not good - I dread to think of her having hit the ground - I cried I'm afriad. Now I've been a bit paranoid about this sort of thing but the nurse assured me lasst time I was at the drs that I was perfectly capable of carrying JEan (even though I regually lose all strength in left arm). I had completely forgotten about the falling over (which to be fair the dr does not yet know about as I was going to say something at my three month review) when I said to Al I would carry her 🙁 He had carried her for the entier outing around Cheltenham and when we got to the car park I offered to releive him of her so he could get to the van quicker for loading 🙁

Al agrees that its not safe for me to carry her unless short journeys in the house where I have worked out tequnics from my dizzy spell phase. This is so poo 🙁 Poor little baby she didnt even cry though it must have jolted her to some extent :'(

Tell me why am I still trusting the health service? They say I'm fine I end up crippled, they change their minds, they say I'm fine breathlessness is normal in pregnancy and then oh its a trip to cuasulty and then months in and out of hospital that could have been avoided! etc.. the list is too long these days - along with the drs here not having any records of the blood clots! Thank god Al was there - thank god I have people who where there and can coorberate what went on - they have lost the list of meds they gave me whilst pregnant plus more than half the notes where missing 🙁

They said it was fine to carry Jean - what if I hadnt been able to recover sufficently and she'd smashed her head open? How am I supposed to be a good mother? I cant even carry her anywhere - I cant take her out of the valley by myself - Al struggles getting the push chair up the hill?

Sorry this is yet again another winging self indulgent - arggg! I dont really know what to do post.

Jean is fine though and Als going to frog march me to the Docs! (more pointless tests where the results will be lost no doubt).


  • By Clare, Fri 11th Aug 2006 @ 11:59 am

    Hugs for you Sarah! Big ones that reach all the way from London to Gloucestershire! (((((((Sarah)))))))

  • By Charlee, Sun 13th Aug 2006 @ 7:24 pm

    And some more hugs from this side of london You are a good Mum though, that's got very little to do with how often you carry her It's got far more to do with how much you care, and that is evidently an awful lot!

  • By Simon, Fri 18th Aug 2006 @ 8:37 am

    Heck, I'll chip in some hugs from up here in Staffordshire. Inter-county hugfest! Hope you're doing ok...

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