New Years Resolutions/Goals (by sarah)
Of course I have all the normal loss weight, do more exercise and cut down the caffine ones but then there are the others!
These are more about the mind than about the body and are really more about setting myself goals.
So firstly I am upping the poetry stakes - I plan to go to more readings and the like and to compile at least as e-books 2 sets of poetry. One of these is The Little Book of Festive Poetry I wrote for Jean as part of the PiBoIdMo. I could do a similar thing with the book of Spoogy Poetry I did her for Halloween too but I am more interested in getting a collect of 50 poems together that aren't kids ones. I have definatly written enough poems for this but I sort of want to do nice borders and things for the page so it will take a bit of work!
I am also setting up and helping to organise WoPoWriMo (World Poetry Writing Month) which will be in February.
Art wise I want to finish my Art Journal for Escape Into Life and send it off - maybe do some other art stuff but mainly get illustrations done for my own writing.
Science - I need to get enough courage to talk to the college about that so can't really plan anything.
Other writing projects - I would like to release a book of my Friday Flash stories though I do not yet know what sort of length would be good for that - besides 3 of them are currently in for an anthology so I may not be able to use those ones :/
I would love to get The Punk in Pink finished but don't know if that is possible so I will settle for writing another 100, 000 words on it! That is twice the NaNoWriMo count so should be doable even if I just use November!
I also want to finish typing up the Drs Wife and maybe get into editing it :/
Music wise I want to pick up the guitar again mainly.