All Change Friday (by sarah)
Today I had a stress getting Jean out to school on time mainly due to the fact she managed to get something on her last clean shirt but we made it as the last kid was entering her class.
I rushed her in but had a sinking feeling as I noticed none of the rest of the children where in their uniform - it was All Change Friday - the first of the school year and I had forgotten 🙁
Jean hasn't said anything about it but somehow I get the feeling she is slightly annoyed with me and not least becuase I managed to send her in with two snacks for lunchtime instead of one - not entirely sure how I managed this one 🙁
But the thing is they have a none uniform day EVERY MONTH! I'm sure we had them max once a term - true uniform was only made compulsery at my infant school once I was in the juniors but still. And the day its one changes depending on which term your in so I have this sinking feeling that this is not going to be the last one I miss :/