Day Three of the Flood (by sarah)
The house now smells faintly of damp dog disturbingly though not suprisingly 🙁 - we are hoping that it will all be ok. We've had fan heaters on (though on fan rather than heat! as its been a scorcher) they dont seem that effective which is a bit depressing when you work out the cost in electricity and start to think of the environment :'( On the plus side I have the kitching table back and have temperaroly stoed all the tins and cartons that were on the floor of the ladder cupboard. The house is still in complete disarray though much to the horror of Al's Step Mother Lynne who is visiting us at the moment. She was expecting to see a great improvement on the choas of boxes she left me with in September but lo! Sigh - this place is never going to be straight at this rate!
p.s. we cant take the carpet up to dry it as that would involve ripping all the kitchen cabinets out hence our desperation for it to dry otherwise I might just cry!