Realism and Neck Specialists (by sarah)
Today saw me at the Drs again and we disguessed how things were and I spoke of how I saw things and that I had come to the realisation that I can do stuff and be productive but not in a normal way.
The medical restrictions on me are just too big to be ignored - I tried ignoring them and getting on with things and the result has been the last few months of one medical thing after another.
I said about having just been jumping from one crisis to another without looking at the underlaying problems but that these needed to be addressed or this was just going to carry on.
He agreed and said I was being a lot more realistic than when he first saw me over what is achivable and that thinking in terms of having a 'normal' life is a bad thing to do. I'm just a variation. So I am basically back to pottering around doing me craft stuff as and when I feel like it and trying to look after house and garden.
Mainly I've been making things with Jean and watching films with her though oh and reading the complete works of Winni the Pooh!
The only way I have of controlling the back pain stuff is doing several hours of the physio stuff a day and having hot baths - when you add in the afternoon naps at the moment time starts getting scarce. He prodded and poked my back and made me move my head and stuff and said that he thought that the reason the shoulder surgeon had been so negative about it all is that its not actually a shoulder problem but possibly something to do with my neck.
He thinks I need to be refered to a specialist for MRI scans and stuff but apparently my notes are all in box files up stairs (why on earth they are not in a nice searchable format on the surgerys computers I do not know). He needs to go through all my note (good luck as half of them went missing between London and Gloucestershire) to see what has or hasn't been done.
I'm trying not to get my hopes up that something might actually be done and I might be fixed this time - it only leads to crushing disappointment.
There is the point as well that things that were tested 8-5yrs ago now may not have shown up stuff that has since got worse.
So I am armed with more pain killers and stomache liners and play the waiting game once more - he's even going to chase up the acupuncture they said I could have!