Guinea Pigs! (by sarah)
Yes I'm still going on about our visit to Yorkshire!
Ulrike has four guinea pigs and they are so cute - they make little fepping noises that sound like an underwater bubble 🙂
Jean loves them as at her pre-school they have guinea pigs and rabbits!
I took and had taken lots of pics of the piggies! But somehow only managed to capture two of them! They have a fantastic cage set-up too that I ment to photo but somehow didn't :/
This one I rotated the wronge way!
I can only remember two of their names - Trillion and Milka! Ulrike did tell us lots of things about them such as they have bauld spots behind their ears and naming of types due to colouration but I unfortunatly can't remeber much of it.
When energy levels are better and we have the ducks - I think we might get some guinea pigs but not right now - I have enough trouble remembering to feed the puss-mogs!
Alaric got a bit annoyed at how long we took to leave becuase of the guinea pigs - I didn't know weather to be sympathetic or laugh when he got narky about it :/
By Ulrike, Sat 9th May 2009 @ 12:07 pm
thats the four of them 🙂