The Taming of the Shrew (by )

People were round for the Jazz on the Common and Dads Birthday this weekend. This ment my perants were in the Mill - cries of theirs a baby mouse in the Mill went up and my brother David as always spent the next day trying to catch it - to no avail. I was taking up a coffee for mum when the cutest little shrew ran basically over my foot (well the edge of my sandle anyway). Without really thinking I put the cup of coffee down on the floor and picked up the shrew - it obviously tried to escape so I ended up holding it by the tail - expecting to be bitten at any moment but lo! It just wiggle flipped itself and scampered up my arm and round the back of my neck.

Dad cuaght it from its position on my shoulder and I went to get something to keep it in till the time of release 🙂 I heared dad giggling only to find when I got back that it had escaped and gone up his arm to the armpit and was tickling him!

We got it in a wine glass and dad showed it to the others whilst I grabed the camera and some wiggly pets. I put the wiggly pets down on the drive and set the camera up then did a quick check that the wine glass was going to be in shot the got dad to release the shrew 🙂

I'll try and blog the picks later 🙂

The silly creature wouldnt get out of the glass which was really sweet 🙂 It ran off and hide in the grass at the edge of the drive though me and dad knew where it was exactly! Later I checked and it had moved but less than 1/2 hr later Al reported that he had almost trodden on the thing trying to make its way back into the Mill so he hurridly made sure all doors were closed (hmmm... I suspect that little shrew is back in its cozy little nest somewhere in the Mill! Though how it avoids Tim and Besty is anyones guess!)

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